Monday 30 April 2012



By practising energy conservation the quantity of energy used is reduced while achieving a similar outcome of end use. This practice may result in increase of financial capital and environmental value.

Masters should instill in all those under their command the importance and necessity of maintaining the level ofuereductions already instigated and, perhaps more importantly, ocontinually looking at other areas of a ship'operation where potential fuecossavings could realisticallbe achieved.

The safety of ship and personnel must always take priority over fuel conservation. Any measures taken must only be introduced after careful assessment has confirmed that there will be no adverse impact upon safety of operations. Modifications to machinery or plant for fuel conservation purposes must not be undertaken without prior approval from us.

Energy conservation an important part of the debate over climate change and the replacement of non-renewable resources with renewable energy. It is a buzz term the ships management must be familiar with. We we take it seriously and seek active feedback from shipstaff.

Due to inefficiencies such as friction, heat loss, and other factors, thermal efficiencies are typically much less that 100%. For example, a typical gasoline automobile engine operates at around 25% thermal efficiency

It is the our policy to conserve energy, thus preserving resources and reducing expenses. It is a policy to do predictive maintenance of all fuel consumers  and to use genuine spare parts while overhauling ships machinery.

The company’s Energy Conservation Policy applies to all aspects of operation and includes all technical, operational and organizational personnel.

Technical Measures

Adjust autopilot controls based on actual sea conditions to prevent unnecessary working of rudder and large helm movements which increases propeller slip , or poor steering which increases the distance.

When the difference between propeller speed and GPS speed becomes excessive master to reduce ships speed.

Understand black colour is a good absorber and a good radiator and vice versa or silver color.
Maintain all company equipment in an efficient working condition without leaks.

Run Framo power pack at 15 Bars system pressure above the highest consumer , or energy is wasted as heat.

Maintain all air filters clean. 

Reduce the consumption of fuel (M.D.O. & H.F.O.) by maintaining the main engine, the turbochargers  and all auxiliary machinery in a predictive and proactive manner.

Reduce lubricating oil and cylinder oil consumption. Worn out machinery should be replaced in good time and clearances maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Follow a predictive maintenance programme.

Use optimal ship’s speed dependent upon the weather and sea conditions and the ships draft 
Eliminate all water, oil, air and steam leaks. All valves and pipes should be maintained in a planned and co-ordinated manner.

Reduce the consumption of electrical power during day and night by all appropriate means. Lights to be put on only when required.

Undertake quality repairs using genuine spares.

Reduce loss of heat and unnecessary firing of boiler by lagging lines and ensuring only water comes back in the return line to engine room, not steam.

Lights are focused and used in an optimum manner.

Maintain economizer so that firing of auxiliary boiler , dumping of steam and wastage of fuel is avoided. Soot must be blown well for optimum steam production.

Keeping hull drag low by having clean hull and propeller.

Not using an extra generator or power pack unless warranted. Aux engines to be used at optimum load and not run idle at low loads for standby.

Maintaining air filters clean so that internal combustion machinery develops full power.

Main engine rpm should be high enough for exhaust boiler to produce enough steam so that aux boiler is  used to minimum.

For better exhaust heat utilisation, wash ME turbocharger turbine and blower side regularly.

ME jacket cooling water temperature should be maintained high enough and cooling in SW circuit to be optimum, for max FWG production.

FWG to be regularly descaled for optimum FW production.

Automatic temp and viscosity controllers help.

Chief engineer to take Draw Diagrams of ME, to check for bad combustion. Excessive soot on the poop deck is a good indication.

Tankcleaning and steam pipelines and valves to be maintained in good condition, to prevent loss of hot water/ steam.

Avoid loss of heat to heated cargoes due to cold interface from SBT.

Ensure steam traps work and only hot water return to atmospheric condenser or boiler hot well. Avoid unnecessary burning of bunkers in boiler. On a long voyage ship may run out of bunkers.

Hot water calorifier to be used economically and in timely manner.

Keep boiler feed water temp as high as possible, to save on fuel.

Keep accommodation well sealed to prevent AC plant running continuously without cutting off,  and engine room doors shut to prevent heat ingressing cool accommodation.

Defrost reefer chambers regularly.

Deck water ,deck air deck , hyd power to be put on only when necessary.

Whenever possible use common pumps for cooling water.

Put of galley hotplates , vent and equipment when not in use.

Tankcleaning to be planned in a optimum manner.

Megger tesing of all electrical circuits to be regularly carried out.

Electrical motors and bearings to be well maintained .

We use bunker analysis laboratories, for ignition quality and CCAI.

Use weather routing charts and do GC sailing to harness favourable current and winds.

Increase ME rpm gradually.

Avoid unnecessary ballast and large trims.

Organisational Measures
It is the company’s policy to promote and develop energy conservation by:
Creating awareness about energy conservation benefits.
Complying with all National and International rules and requirements.
Practicing efficient watch keeping--like setting correct autopilot rudder controls.
Improving the knowledge of crew members regarding ship construction, equipment, machinery and systems.

Discussing energy conservation policy and obtaining feedback at quality meetings.

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